Signature numérique de vos contrats de location et d’achat

« Désormais, nos locataires signent simplement les contrats numériquement. »
Astrid Schlüter, Vesteda Property Management

Certains de nos clients satisfaits dans le secteur de la santé

Signez numériquement les estimations, les contrats de location et les contrats d’achat

Avec la signature numérique, vous pouvez faire signer numériquement vos estimations, contrats de location et contrats d’achat. Finis les tracas administratifs, le processus, de la signature à l’administration, s’effectue entièrement par voie numérique. Simplifiez votre administration et épargnez-vous la peine d’imprimer, de numériser, de poster et d’attendre vos documents.

Regardez notre vidéo de présentation de 1 minute et 35 secondes pour découvrir le produit.


Corporate Social Responsibility and costs efficiency represents an important position at residential investor Vesteda. In that context processes will be automated as much as possible. Recently, the process of signing rent agreements will be done digitally.

“It gives us a lot of convenience and time savings”


Commercial director Patrick Jansen from Zwerfkei assumed that it is not possible to digitally sign terminations in a legally valid manner, until he met Evidos director Kick Willemse on a parents’ evening. It turned out he has a solution for this problem. With the introduction of digital signing they have made their processes more efficient.

“Digital signing saves us four to five hours per customer”


Housing corporation Stadlander is processing the customer contacts points as much as possible digitally. The digital signing of rent agreements is part of this approach. This contributes to spending less time at the red tape, furthermore it benefits the customer.

“A new world opens up for everyone”


Gapph is specialist in temporary management and exploitation of vacant real estate. Whether it is a company building, church or an empty property of a housing corporation, Gapph ensures the right people are going to work or live there. This is on a contract basis. Before, all the agreements were signed manually. Recently this process has been digitalized with Evidos. “There is a new world opened for everyone” according to Paul Hogenbirk, BI-manager at Gapph.

“ immediately had the willingness

to adapt to our wishes”

Het Wonen:

The digital signing of purchase agreements saves housing corporations a lot of time. Before, such an agreement had to be e-mailed, printed, put on a desk, signed, scanned and send back. Very cumbersome, especially after the introduction of digital signing. But moreover: “It is also safer” according to Het Wonen director Pascal Kamphuis.

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